
Secure Transport Services


High Secure Ambulance Service

Mars Ambulance provides a High Secure Ambulance Service tailored for patients who require stringent security measures during medical transport. This service is crucial for individuals who may pose a significant risk to themselves or others, necessitating a highly controlled environment. Our high secure ambulances are equipped with advanced medical and security features, including reinforced interiors, secure restraint systems, and surveillance capabilities to ensure maximum safety.

The medical personnel in our high secure ambulance teams are specially trained in handling high-risk patients, managing aggressive or unpredictable behavior, and providing necessary medical interventions. This team includes experienced paramedics, mental health professionals, and security personnel, working collaboratively to ensure a safe and secure transport.

This service is typically required for patients being transferred from high-security medical facilities, psychiatric institutions, or during court-mandated transports. Mars Ambulance prioritizes safety, dignity, and respect, ensuring that all protocols are followed meticulously to prevent any incidents during transit. Our High Secure Ambulance Service is designed to provide a secure and controlled environment, ensuring the safety of the patient, medical staff, and the general public.