
Secure Transport Services


Low Secure Ambulance Service

Mars Ambulance offers a specialized Low Secure Ambulance Service designed for patients who require medical transport under controlled but less restrictive conditions. This service is ideal for individuals who need continuous medical monitoring and support during transit but do not pose a significant risk to themselves or others. Our low secure ambulances are equipped with essential medical equipment, including oxygen supplies, basic life support systems, and comfortable stretcher arrangements.

Our trained medical staff, including paramedics and EMTs, provide compassionate care and ensure patient safety and comfort throughout the journey. The team is skilled in managing various medical conditions and emergencies, maintaining a calm and secure environment. This service is often utilized for hospital transfers, scheduled medical appointments, or transport between care facilities.

Mars Ambulance prioritizes patient dignity and privacy, ensuring that each transport is handled with the utmost professionalism and sensitivity. Our vehicles are designed to offer a balance of security and comfort, facilitating a smooth and stress-free experience for both patients and their families. With our Low Secure Ambulance Service, we aim to provide reliable and safe medical transportation, ensuring peace of mind for all involved.